Portarlington Pedal Group
Pedallers at Ballarat in April
April 11-14 Portarlington Pedal Group have just spent four days in Ballarat experiencing the network of bicycle tracks in and around the city claiming to be the "Cycling Centre of Australia".
The group conducted three major rides - one around the parks and gardens, one along the rail trail to Skipton (approx. 53kms) and also on the trail to Gong Gong Reservoir. Organising the trip were Terry Power and Gerry Stout who said that a major concern was rider safety. "Ballarat's trails are well surfaced, are mainly off road and have regular gradients", said Terry. "We look forward to the day when the trails around the Bellarine meet the same standards".
The Port Pedal Group has at least one away trip each year and although centred on cycling the social side of the trip is also very important. "Everyone has a beaut time" says group founder, Graham Gibson. "Trips like this help to cement the group together with a shared experience". All who ventured out each day rode to their personal best . The rides were support ed by a backup team who were available to pickup pedalers as the need arose which took away any pressure and made each day thoroughlky enjoyable.
The Pedal Group will now revert to its usual rides on Tuesday at 2pm and Fridays at 10am and 2pm from Graham and Moira's Willis Street address.

Portarlington Pedal Group
The club was formed seven years ago – with over 60 members ranging in age from the 50’s – 80’s. We ride for the sheer enjoyment of the social and health benefits which come from a stress free, unstructured group nurtured by Moira and Graham Gibson who provide a friendly place to meet for weekly riding from 130 Willis St. Portarlington. Contact them on 5259 1651 or drop around and meet the group. If you haven’t ridden for years you don’t have to do group rides. Graham can usually get a bike for people if they don’t have one.
STOP PRESS: Graham Gibson awarded 2009 Victorian Senior of the Year "GO FOR YOUR LIFE"
Hundreds of people would agree that they are bike riders because of Graham's contagious passion for cycling and people. Graham was nominated for the state award by local Lyn O'Brien who was thrilled when the announcement was made public. Minister for Senior Victorians, Lisa Neville presented Graham with his award at Government House early October. The Go for your Life campaign criteria was healthy eating, regular physical activity and contributing to a strong and active community all of which have been embraced by Graham over a long community involvement which started in Colac in the 1970's and continues in Portarlington today. Graham is about to celebrate his 80th birthday this month and is an inspiration to all - well done and hearty congratulations Graham.

Rides are usually up to 10 km along The Esplanade and leave on Tuesdays at 2pm and Fridays at 10am and 2pm followed by a cuppa and a chat at Graham and Moira’s. There is no pressure to compete – we all ride according to each individual’s choice at the time. The group enjoy a monthly away ride usually on the Bellarine (half day) and each year an annual social 3 day group ride is planned on Bike Trails where possible within rural Victoria. Our rides are structured for all levels of fitness – enjoyment and relaxation is the key word so come along and see for yourself.