Case study - Moonee Valley walking school buses

The City of Moonee Valley remains committed to expanding the Walking School Bus programme.
Moonee Valley City Council has been an active participant in the WSB Program since 2003, and has successfully continued to be proactive in encouraging physical activity for primary aged children and for children to become active in their neighbourhood.
To date, there are fifteen schools, and over 450 children and 190 volunteers participating in the WSB Program. We have actively encouraged and supported the WSB routes, making Moonee Valley one of the leaders in Australia with this program. Council continues to promote physical activity as a vital part of good health for kids, and being active everyday helps children to:
• Maintain healthy weight.
• Protect against diseases in later life.
• Improve concentration.
• Boost self esteem.
• Improve physical skills.
• Improve cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health.
For more information on the Walking School Bus Program contact Council on 9243 8888.