Working for change

Our work is part of an international movement. Victoria Walks® is an award winning voting member of the International Federation of Pedestrians (IFP) which was founded in 1963 as the umbrella organization for national pedestrian advocacy groups, and is a proud signatory of the International Charter for Walking. Victoria Walks is a member of CWANZ and is linked to various organisations that champion walking.

Victoria Walks' Strategic Plan sets out our agenda through until 2025.  For a snapshot of our work, check out our latest Impact Report.

Historical Impact Reports and Report Cards are set out below:


Victoria Walks undertakes research, which informs our ongoing advocacy and policy work.

These short 2-page case studies summarise some of our research and its impact:

Wherever possible, Victoria Walks makes submissions to relevant Victorian, National and Local Government policy processes, some of which we have posted on our submissions page. A summary of some of our earlier policy work is available here.

Victoria Walks® has been invited onto a number of key Government advisory committees and reference groups relevant to creating walkable communities and increasing the health of Victorians.

Victoria Walks is:

  • A voting member of, and represents Australia on, the International Federation of Pedestrians (IFP) which was founded in 1963 as the umbrella organization for national pedestrian advocacy groups.
  • An associate member of the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF) which is an advocacy group comprising members from Melbourne metropolitan local government, associate members representing transport companies, and participants from the State Government and environment groups.

"The dog ate my walking strategy"

Ben Rossiter – plenary presentation to the 2018 Smart Urban Futures conference.