Inquiry questions speed limit process
29 Mar 2021
The Victorian Parliament’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee has released the report from its inquiry into the road toll, conceding “Progress on eliminating road trauma has stalled in Victoria, nationally and across the world. A stronger commitment to embedding the Safe System approach in road safety policy is required in Victoria if we are to meet our new targets.”
Victoria Walks made a presentation to the inquiry, leading the Committee to make a formal finding that “pedestrians are the most vulnerable road user.”
The Inquiry report quoted Victoria Walks' submission that the process required for councils to reduce speed limits, especially to 30km/h, is too difficult. They made a formal finding that “Local councils involved in this Inquiry have found the application process to change speed limits in specific areas to be extremely difficult to navigate. They believe the application process should be streamlined.”
Unfortunately the Committee, including both government and non-government members, did not make any recommendations to streamline changes to speed limits or take actions specific to safety for people walking. However there are a number of recommendations that seek to improve driver behaviour and safety, which would have a broad benefit.
For more information, visit the webpage for the Inquiry into the increase in Victoria's road toll.