Streets are for everyone
18 Mar 2021
Victoria Walks has joined a coalition of 13 organisations calling for the Victorian Government to create vibrant, active and connected communities where people can walk and ride bikes for leisure, running errands or commuting.
The Streets are for everyone consensus statement, has the support of key advocacy, health promotion and research groups operating in Victoria. It outlines the benefits of walking and bike riding to the economy and the health and wellbeing of Victorians; highlights barriers to the vision; and provides detail on three clear and practical recommendations for implementation by the Victorian Government.
These recommendations are:
1. Include walking and bike riding as an essential part of integrated transport planning, and to develop and implement a walking strategy and action plan within the next 12 months.
2. Prioritise streets for people in residential areas, around schools and shopping strips.
3. Upgrade cities, regional centres and local neighbourhoods by improving footpaths,bike lanes, crossing opportunities and completing missing links.
The Streets are for everyone consensus statement was developed by Victoria Walks and Amy Gillett Foundation, Bicycle Network, Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand, IPAN - Deakin University, Heart Foundation, Monash University – School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Municipal Association of Victoria, ORIMA research, Parents’ Voice, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), VicHealth, We Ride Australia.