What causes pedestrian crashes?
3 Jul 2019
Victoria Walks has commissioned the Monash University Accident Research Centre to take a deep-dive into official data to provide a better understanding of pedestrian crashes in Victoria.
The research has been made possible through a TAC Community Road Safety Grant.
“We’ll be able to provide a comprehensive picture of crashes affecting pedestrians, analysing TAC, Police and hospital data,” says Associate Professor Jennifer Oxley, who will lead the research.
The study will also provide a more sophisticated understanding of the risks of different types of vehicles to people walking, using information from the Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity.
“Not only will we be able to report on the number of pedestrians hit by trucks, for example, but we’ll also be able to see whether that reflects the amount of truck traffic on the roads,” Jennifer Oxley said.
“We want to get the best possible understanding of pedestrian crashes that we can get with the available data,” says Dr Ben Rossiter, Executive Officer of Victoria Walks.
“This will give us the strongest possible evidence for our work with government agencies on road safety.”
The research is expected to be completed and publicly released in the second half of 2019.