Planning a better city for walking and cycling
23 Dec 2015
Victoria Walks has made submissions on two important state government plans - a new Cycling Strategy and the review of Plan Melbourne.
Victoria Walks submission on the Cycling Strategy argues for a comprehensive network of dedicated cycling routes, largely separated from both traffic and walkers, as the core cycling network for Melbourne and major regional cities. We need to give bike riders their own space, rather than expecting them to mix with traffic or share with walkers.
The Strategy should acknowledge that shared paths are not suitable as the main transport cycling routes in the long term. We need a grand vision for a fundamentally better walking and cycling city, not incremental improvement to compromise options. We also need lower speed limits on non-arterial roads or where there are high numbers of cyclists or pedestrians, to provide good conditions for transport cycling.
Amongst other things, Victoria Walks' submission on Plan Melbourne Refresh argues for:
- Tighter control on development of land in the growth areas, ensuring it is matched by infrastructure. Existing urban areas should take 80% of new houses.
- Restricting development in green wedge areas and the rural hinterland of Melbourne.
- Stronger identification of areas for infill development, more closely linked to the Principal Public Transport Network.
- Stronger recognition of the importance of street trees.
- A fundamental review of car parking requirements.