New guidelines for pedestrian planning
30 Oct 2015
The Victorian Government has released guidelines to help local councils develop Principal Pedestrian Networks (PPN).
A PPN maps origins and destinations to determine likely pedestrian movement and identify key routes. These routes can then be audited and improved to ensure that they provide for efficient, pleasant and convenient walking.
Four Victorian councils have completed PPN demonstration projects, in collaboration with the state government, Victoria Walks, VicRoads and Melbourne University.
The results have been excellent. In Camberwell, the City of Boroondara improved walking infrastructure and trialled two rounds of a ‘Try Walking’ promotion program. The second round, which focussed on the Camberwell Road Corridor, resulted in 1,100 additional pedestrians during a weekday (double previous numbers) and 375 additional pedestrians on a Saturday (triple previous numbers). It is estimated that there will be $6 in community health benefits over 30 years for every $1 spent.
In Lilydale, Yarra Ranges Shire Council's project involved construction of footpaths, crossings, wayfinding signage, rain gardens, street trading infrastructure and promotion programs (pictured on this page). Part of the project involved relocating a school crossing, which was in a 'safe' but slightly inconvenient location, so that less than half the students were using it. The crossing was moved to a roundabout on the pedestrian desire line and virtually everyone walking to the school now uses it.
The Lillydale project saw a 37% increase in walking for transport along one of the targeted routes. The Council was so happy with the project that they have decided to invest an extra $1.5 million per annum into new pedestrian infrastructure.
In the Frankston CBD, Park Lane and another pedestrian link received a full street upgrade to create a desirable place for pedestrians and local traders. New furniture, tree planting, art and lighting components enhanced the laneways between Wells Street and Young Street.
In Geelong, the City Council focused on Grovedale and Marshall, an area that was developed with some fairly poor infrastructure in the 1990s. The project saw the construction of key missing links in the footpath network, as well as street lighting, signage, tree planting and rest points.
More information on the projects and the new guidelines is available from the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.