Victoria Walks early work
Plan for a Walkable Melbourne

Victoria Walks has been closely involved in the ongoing debate on the Metropolitan Planning Strategy - Plan Melbourne.
We developed our Plan for a Walkable Melbourne in response to the previous government's discussion paper Melbourne Let's Talk About the Future. Our Plan sets out a range of measures that could create a walking city. For more information see our media release.
Victoria Walks continues to push for walking to be a key element of planning strategies.
Principal Pedestrian Network Demonstration project

The Principal Pedestrian Network Demonstration (PPND) project involved the development of Principal Pedestrian Networks (PPN) in four local council areas (Booroondara, Frankston, Geelong and Yarra Ranges) with some funding from the Australian and Victorian Governments adn the suppport of Victoria Walks.
The PPN methodology was developed by the Victorian Governemtn to ensure pedestrians are appropriately prioritised in transport planning and investment. The PPN process involves mapping out and planning for a higher quality walking environment on key routes to local activity centres such as shops and schools and to transport hubs. Victoria Walks was involved in the devlopment of the PPN methodology.
Pedestrian Access Strategy

Victoria Walks sat on both the Working Group and Steering Group for the development of the then Department of Transport's Pedestrian Access Strategy: A strategy to increase walking for transport in Victoria 2010.
The Pedestrian Access Strategy was developed under the Victorian Government (2006-2010) as a vision for a more pedestrian-friendly transport system for Victorians. The aim of the strategy is to encourage more Victorians to walk, especially for short trips. We will leave this link live until such time as the Victorian Government develops a new strategy...