Accessible Walking Maps feedback survey

Have you used one of our accessible Walking Maps to find walks suitable for people of all abilities?

In partnership with disability services provider Scope and with support from the Victorian Government we've developed a tool to audit the accessibility of walking paths. Find our accessible Walking Maps here

Your feedback (below) will assist us to improve access to walking for everyone. 

Accessible walks survey

Please take our quick survey to tell us what you think of this accessible Walking Map. You can also tell us anything we can do to make the mapped route more useful for people with disability. Fields with * are compulsory.
"1. What is the name of the Walking Map you are telling us about?" is a mandatory field
Copy and paste a link to the Walking Map, or type the name of the walk.
Select one of the above
Select all that apply
Select all that apply. **If you are a carer, please answer this about the person you care for.
Please type in the characters exactly as they appear below in the box provided. Case sensitive.