Case Study - Greater Shepparton on the Moove

Greater Shepparton on the Moove is an initiative of Greater Shepparton City Council and many local health promotion organisations.
The Greater Shepparton on the Moove website details all the programs and events the Council uses to promote walking, including:
- The Greater Shepparton on the Moove Pedometer Challenge, held annually in Walktober. Workplaces are encouraged to enter multiple teams to compete against other workplaces and community groups. Both individual and team entrants can view their progress from the leader board and be in the running to win some great prizes.
- The Summer Stroll Series, held in six small towns. The series involves a short walk around the township and concludes at either the local recreation reserve or swimming pool.
- The Group have audited several walking paths throughout the municipality and provided detailed maps of the tracks. The maps outline distances of the walks, locations of seats, attractions, drinking fountains and rubbish bins. Walking Paths that have been audited include the Victoria Lake Precinct and Kialla Lakes. Copies can be found on the Greater Shepparton on the Moove website.
- Council has coordinated a directory of walking groups in the municipality including details such as departure location, time, cost, intensity, average age groups and contact details.
- Older adults living in Greater Shepparton are encouraged to participate in PUFF, a guided group walking program run from Aquamoves. Walkers meet at Aquamoves three mornings a week (Monday to Wednesday) and then set off for a 30 minute walk around Victoria Park Lake led by an Aquamoves Fitness Instructor. Walkers return to Aquamoves to share morning tea and a chat.
This project forms part of Council’s Municipal Public Health Plan. The main aim of the program is for Greater Shepparton to be renowned as the Mooving City, encouraging residents and visitors to get active by means of walking.
Walking is also strongly promoted through the Discover Shepparton site.