1. What is a walking audit?

A walking audit is a simple and systematic way for you to assess your neighbourhood’s walkability. Doing a walking audit is useful because:
- You can identify the things that are working, and the things that need improvement;
- You can easily show people what you're talking about (using photos, checklists, maps or reports); and
- You have a record of the condition of the environment you are auditing, and can note changes over time.
2. What is walkability?
This video gives a very useful introduction to the various factors that lead to a more walkable neighbourhood. We suggest that you have a look at it before conducting a walking audit.
3. How do I audit my local area?
We've put together some great resources to help you get started. Check out Do a walking audit for more information and a selection of walking audit checklists and forms.
If you're doing a walking audit, think about doing the same audit on different days, or at different times of the day and evening. Things like peak hour traffic and daylight can make a big difference to how pleasant it is (or isn’t) walking a particular route.
4. What happens after the audit?

After finishing the audit:
- If you conducted a walking audit with others, swap notes and discuss what you found;
- Make sure your notes are legible, and your photos are organised in a way that others can make sense of what you recorded;
- If needed, convert your notes and photos into a simple report so that the issues are highlighted and tell a clear story;
- If possible, save your report and photos in electronic form so that they can be emailed, shared or posted on a website.
Now that you have a better grasp of your local issues, go to 'Making a difference' to find out more.
Professional auditing
Victoria Walks also conducts more advanced walkability audits as a consultancy service for state and local government clients. This includes walking and cycling safety audits, with our partners Safe System Solutions.
See our work for the 20-Minute Neighbourhood Program as an example.