Case study - Healthy Moves, Warrnambool

Warrnambool City Council's Healthy Moves program supports travel to school by active transport.
Sponsored by South West Credit, the program includes identification of safe routes to school for 8 primary schools.
A range of resources are provided to support schools in encouraging active travel, including classroom charts, how-to guides for teachers and frequent walker passports for the kids.
- On Walk to School day October 2012, 60% of students travelled by means other than a car at the median school.
- On Ride 2 School Day March 2013, the median result was 71% of students travelling by means other than a car.
- On Let's get safely to school day, May 2013, 87% of students travelled by means other than a car at the median school.
See the chart below for improving results over the 2007-2010 period.
Results tend to vary between schools. Those who embrace the program typically have 75-90% of children walk, cycle or bus to school on event days. Walking is generally the most common form of travel.
The program has received excellent media coverage, including 25 print media articles in the 2011/12 year.