Professional forums

Victoria Walks hosts professional development events that provide inspiration and best practice examples of urban planning, design and programs to support more walkable, liveable communities.

Walkability in rural and regional communities

This online seminar on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 will explore ways for councils and other agencies to support walking for transport, recreation and health in rural towns and regional cities.

Presenters and panelists include:

  • Liz Beck, Senior Project Manager, Transport Choices at New Plymouth District Council (New Zealand)
  • Rachael Ashton, Manager Transport Strategy in the Gippsland Region for the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning
  • Andrew Ross, Principal Planner (Walking), Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland)
  • Samantha Buckis, LGA Capability and Development Manager (Road Safety), Transport Accident Commission (Victoria)
  • Simon Gray, Accessibility and Inclusion Coordinator, Parks Victoria
  • Emma Allsop, Major Projects Officer at Bass Coast Shire Council (Victoria)
  • Megan Goode, Healthy Loddon Campaspe Health Broker at Loddon Shire Council 

Find out more or register via Eventbrite